
How do you benefit from my experience?

You benefit from my experience from numerous projects in different thematic fields. My approach to project work is to use resources efficiently and thus minimise your costs. My references provide you with an overview of projects that are running successfully or have been successfully completed, as well as partnerships that have been established as part of the project work.

My clients

This is a selection of my clients since 2007.

  • Ascenso Business and Media Academy Mallorca, Palma de Mallorca
  • Education - Training - Networking, ATV GmbH, Munich and Cologne
  • Federal Office for Family and Civil Society Tasks, Cologne
  • CLM Group, Düsseldorf
  • European University of Applied Sciences, Aachen, Brühl and Neuss
  • European Commission, Representation in Germany, Berlin and Bonn
  • European Parliament, Representation in Germany, Berlin
  • Fontys Venlo University of Applied Sciences
  • Steinfurt district
  • Osnabrück district
  • Karlsruhe Regional Council
  • Rhenish Study Institute for Municipal Administration, Cologne
  • State Chancellery of Lower Saxony, Hanover
  • State Chancellery NRW, Düsseldorf
  • City Garden Cologne
  • Mercator Foundation, Duisburg
  • West German Chambers of Crafts, Düsseldorf
  • Business Academy Am Ring, Cologne

My references

  • Since 05/2021: Member of the speaker project "Conference on the Future of Europe", Client: European Commission, Representation in Germany, Berlin.


  • Since 01/2021: Lecturer in European Law, Client: Rheinisches Studieninstitut für kommunale Verwaltung, Cologne.


  • Since 12/2020: Consultant in the project "Europe at a glance - Communities help shape Europe", Client: European Commission, Representation in Germany, Berlin.


  • 08 - 09/2020: Moderation of the Supply Chain Introduction Week, Client: Fontys Venlo University of Applied Sciences, Venlo / Netherlands.


  • Since 07/2020: Consultant in the project "2050", sustainability consulting for companies and municipalities, partner: CLM Group, Düsseldorf.


  • 05 - 12/2020: Co-author of the study "Artist Development in Europe in Contemporary Music. Situation and Need for Action, commissioned by Stadtgarten Köln.


  • Since 09/2019: Trainer for action and social competence, client: Rheinisches Studieninstitut für kommunale Verwaltung, Cologne.


  • 01 - 07/2019: Design and implementation of ten European policy simulation games at schools in NRW, commissioned by the State Chancellery of NRW, Düsseldorf.


  • Since 08/2018: Conducting several workshops on the topic of "serious gaming", commissioned by Fontys Venlo University of Applied Sciences, Venlo.


  • Since 09/2017: Lecturer for European Policy, Client: European University of Applied Sciences Aachen, Brühl and Neuss.


  • 07/2016 - 06/2017: Information series for municipalities on the EU investment initiative in German federal states, commissioned by: European Commission, Representation in Germany, Berlin.


  • Since 05/2015: Trainer for project financing as part of the further training "Project Manager", client education - training - networking, ATV GmbH, Cologne.


  • 07/2014 - 12/2018: Conception, organisation and moderation of ten network meetings of European policy multipliers, client: State Chancellery NRW, Düsseldorf.


  • 10/2014: Information tour for municipalities in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Brandenburg on the European funding framework 2014-2020, commissioned by: European Commission, Representation in Germany, Berlin.


  • Since 05/2013: Consulting in the field of European capability of municipalities, partner: IdeenPaten, Düsseldorf.


  • 12/2011 - 06/2013 Member of the speaker pools "Economic and Financial Crisis" and "Internal Market", Client: European Commission Representation in Germany, Berlin.


  • 03/2012 - 01/2013: Fundraising for the Bispinghof project, client: Bürgerstiftung Bispinghof, Nordwalde.


  • Since 12/2011: Coach as part of the project "Job Speed Dating", client: Wirtschaftsakademie Am Ring, Cologne.


  • 03 - 07/2011: Consulting on the European Social Fund, Client: Federal Office for Family and Civil Society Tasks, Cologne.


  • 04 - 10/2010: Consultancy and application in the EU cultural programme, client: IG Jazz Burghausen.


  • 10 - 11/2008: Advice on the application process in the area of the European Social Fund, client: ATV GmbH, Munich.


  • 05 - 10/2008: Co-author of a study on German-Dutch cooperation within the framework of Interreg, commissioned by the Province of Gelderland, Arnhem.


  • Since 03/2007: Design and implementation of numerous simulation games and workshops on European policy issues.


  • 04/2004 - 05/2006: Consultant in the Europe and International Affairs Department of the State Chancellery of North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf.


  • 07/2003 - 03/2004: Operational management of the project Application for Academics, Cologne Personnel Center.


  • Since 12/2002: Member of the speaker service Team Europe of the European Commission Representation in Germany, Berlin.


  • 02/2000 - 02/2002: Europe Officer, Gustav-Stresemann-Institute, Bonn.


  • 12/1999 - 02/2000: Head of political youth education, Haus Neuland, Bielefeld.


  • 08/1997 - 02/2000: Permanent freelancer, Haus Neuland, Bielefeld.


  • 04/1995 - 03/1998: Lecturer for European Politics, University of Vechta.


  • 07/1994 - 06/1995: Head of the Department of Political Youth Education, Franz-Hitze-Haus Academy, Münster.

My dissertation

EC Regional Policy in Saxony-Anhalt: Cohesion Objective - Competence Limitation - Divergence of Interests, 2001.

In my dissertation I examined the conception of European regional policy and its implementation in East Germany. Within the framework of an empirical research approach, I conducted over 25 interviews with decision-makers in the European Commission, the European Parliament, various federal and state ministries as well as in associations.

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