We work on your profile

In coaching sessions, individual development potential is identified and made usable, and change processes are accompanied in a targeted manner. This applies, for example, to professional changes, professionalisation in the traditional field or with a view to setting up and securing a business, e.g. in the creative industries. I offer you customised, modularly designed coaching in these areas, both in presence and digitally!

Sharpen profiles and use potentials

In coaching sessions, I work with concepts and methods that have been tried and tested many times in my many years of practice. Based on your individual situation and needs, I support you in sharpening your profile, working out potentials, defining goals and designing strategies to achieve these goals. On the one hand, my service extends to the analysis of your career to date and the elaboration of meaningful perspectives as well as the planning of the next steps. On the other hand, I support you in the search for and selection of suitable fields of activity, in professionalisation or in setting up your own business and help you to prepare for job interviews and presentations. I also offer you concepts with which you can expand your communication and persuasion skills.

Ralf Hell Selbstpräsentation

Analysis of the current situation, elaboration of potentials, definition of goals, planning of next steps

Ralf Hell Suche nach geeignetem Arbeitsplatz

Search and selection of suitable fields of activity

Ralf Hell Kommunikationsfähigkeiten

Preparing for personal presentations and improving communication skills

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